Chick Hatching

In this 3-week package, you’ll get everything you need to hatch eggs right in your classroom.  The experience will begin with a Bring the Farm to You teacher visiting your class, sharing the excitment and process of chicken development through a 40-minute program and bringing all the tools you need for your incubating adventure.  During the next 2 weeks, the life process will be uncovered as you and your students keep watch over the delicate conditions of incubation in our see-through incubator.  As the eggs start cracking and chicks start emerging, you and your students can move them over into our warm brooder, giving them the conditions to thrive – heat, water and food.  For the next week, your students will watch the chicks grow, learning first hand about the cycle of life.

In this 3-week pacakage, you will receive:
• 1 in-class “Chicken and the Egg” program with an enthusiastic Bring the Farm to You teacher
• 1 classroom incubator
• 6 fertile chicken eggs, with 2 weeks left of incubation
• 1 chick brooder with heat lamp, water dish, feed tray and 1-week’s supply of chick food
• 1 chick hatching instruction manual
• 1 framed chick embryology poster
• Curriculum and worksheets
• Free delivery and pick-up
• Free technical support


Live Farm Animal Visits

Bring the Farm to You!  Our live animal visits are one of our signature programs, providing real-life farm experiences for people all over Ohio.  These events make the joys of farming tangible, allowing your participants to touch the animals that provide our food and fiber.   Children and adults alike are delighted by holding a baby chick, watching a duck preen, or touching an animal whose coat could become their sweater.  This is a fabulous way to celebrate a special occasion, reward a school or classroom, or draw attention to an event at your location or business.

Live Farm Animal Visits will provide:
• Chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, sheep, & goats
• A safe and engaging event for groups of all ages
• Information and education presented in a fun and exciting way
• An event your participants won’t easily forget