Your Growing Classroom

Soil mixing, seed starting, grow lights, oh my!  Bring the Farm into your classroom with a complete package program that will immerse your students into the life cycle of plants.  Our garden guru, Christa Hein, will kick-off the program with an in-class activity that will teach students about soil, that foundation to growing good stuff!  Students won’t just be passive observers!  Their hands will be dirty and their minds engaged as they make their own growing medium and create their own fertilizer by assembling a classroom worm bin.  Worm bin, planted seeds and grow lights will remain in your classroom as your students discover daily the changes that take place as their seeds grow into mature plants.

In this 8-week package, you’ll receive:
• One 90-minute “Soil, Seeds and Sprouts” in-class activity that will kick-start your growing classroom
• Soil, seeds, and growing containers
• Grow lights and watering cans
• A classroom worm bin complete with bedding and worms
• Classroom lessons, worksheets and templates
• Private access consulting with Christa by phone or email

Choose to extend Your Growing Classroom by signing up for Your School Garden!

Your School Garden

Extend your teaching space and green your school by creating an outdoor classroom!  School gardens are documented to increase student attention and test scores – and they engage the whole school community in a fun, positive and stimulating project.  We’ll Bring the Farm to You and provide the know how, consulting and curriculum that you’ll need to maximize the learning potential at your school.  You provide the parent and teacher support and the garden space.   Together, we’ll create a garden that will engage and inspire while meeting academic standards.

In the 3-month package, you’ll receive:
• 1 Your Growing Classroom package, including a 90-minute “Soil, Seeds and Sprouts” activity, soil, seeds and planting containers, 1 classroom worm bin, grow lights, and watering cans
• 6 three-hour garden activity days, serving up to 6 classes per day for 1/2 hour sessions
• Garden tool use, including kid-sized spades, rakes, hoes, trowels, watering cans, and wheel barrows
• Garden design and planting schedule
• Curriculum and worksheets to use in the classroom
• 1 initial coordinating meeting with all the involved teachers and interested parties
• Private access consulting with Christa by phone or email

In the 9-month package, you’ll receive:
• 3 Your Growing Classroom packages, including 3 90-minute “Soil, Seeds and Sprouts” activities, soil, seeds and planting containers for 3 classrooms, 3 classroom worm bins, 3 sets of grow lights and watering cans
• 12 three-hour garden activity days, serving up to 6 classes per day for 1/2 hour sessions
• 2 in-classroom off-season program days, serving up to 6 classes per day for 1/2 hour lessons
• 3 signature Bring the Farm to You programs (Beekeeping, Maple Sugaring, Spinning)
• Garden tool use, including kid-sized spades, rakes, hoes, trowels, watering cans, and wheel barrows
• Garden design and planting schedule
• Curriculum and worksheets to use in the classroom
• 3 coordinating meetings with all the involved teachers and interested parties
• Private access consulting with Christa by phone or email


Special bonus for new schools!
For a limited time, the 9-month package also includes our special 3-week Chick Hatching package!
You will receive:
• 1 in-class “Chicken and the Egg” program with an enthusiastic Bring the Farm to You teacher
• 1 classroom incubator
• 6 fertile chicken eggs, with 2 weeks left of incubation
• 1 chick brooder with heat lamp, water dish, feed tray and 1-week’s supply of chick food
• 1 chick hatching instruction manual
• 1 framed chick development poster
• Curriculum and worksheets
• Free delivery and pick-up
• Free technical support




Bring a beekeeper to you!  This fascinating look into the life of a honey hive will engage audiences of all ages.  View the inner parts of a hive, learn the intricate life cycle and habits of the queen, workers and drones, and prepare to fall in love with the source of all that sweetness, the gentle honey bee.   Our lively beekeeper will get suited up, bringing tales, preserved specimens and a complete hive in order to fully immerse your audience in the joy of beekeeping.

In this 1-hour program, you’ll receive:
• An engaging and passionate presenter
• Visual aids
• A piece-by-piece look into the interior of a honey hive
• Full descriptions of honey bees and their life cycles
• Familiarity with the tools used by the beekeeper
• An up-close look at preserved specimens of honey bees (no live bees will attend)
• An opportunity to try on a beekeeping outfit (and a great photo opp for parents!)
• Time for questions and answers



Wool, wheel and wonderment!  That’s the agenda for this 1-hour spinning demonstration.  Our expert spinster will spin a tale of history, necessity and technique as she shows your audience how plant and animal fibers are turned into the threads and yarns that weave our lives in cloth.  Watch wool washing, spindle and wheel spinning and touch a basketful of different plant and animal fibers.  And be prepared to be thankful for the clothes on your back.

In this 1-hour program, you’ll receive:
• An engaging and skilled presenter
• A lesson in the history and technique of spinning
• Visual and sensory aids
• A sample of yarn to keep, made before your eyes
• A chance to ask questions of the spinster
• A fun and informative program for people from kindergarten through old age